The wave of women in leadership has thoroughly swept through the halls of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA). As an association that historically never had a female president and had elected only one female vice president, the GBA now has two women elected to lead it in the same election period. The elections were held electronically on September 11, 2024, during the GBA Annual General Conference. This election has produced the most gender balanced executive council in history consisting of three women and three men.

Mrs. Efua Ghartey, a leader of unwavering determination, now bears the historic title of the first-ever female president of the Ghana Bar Association. At the same time, Mrs. Victoria Barth, a woman of exceptional leadership skills, becomes the second female vice-president to be elected since the GBA’s inception. Congratulations to these two women on this historic win and for being national exemplars to all women in the legal profession in Ghana.
Mrs. Efua Ghartey, an accomplished lawyer with over 30 years of experience at the bar, ran on the ticket of promoting the welfare of the GBA membership. During her tenure, she aims to prioritize healthcare, fair compensation, exchange programs and other international partnerships.

Mrs. Victoria Barth, a seasoned legal expert with over 20 years of legal experience, has an unwavering commitment to accountable leadership. While assisting Mrs. Efua Ghartery, she envisions a GBA that will be proactive and promote excellence in law practice in Ghana.
The Institute for African Women in Law is proud of the achievements of these two women leaders. We extend our felicitations to Mrs. Efua Ghartey and Mrs. Victoria Barth. With you at the helm of affairs at the GBA, we hope your initiatives will boost women’s career progression at the bar and set in motion an equalizing feminization of the Bar’s leadership. Well done!