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IAWL Launches the M.A.L.E Allies Campaign-Working with Men to Achieve Generation Equality


For immediate release

April 12, 2021

Washington, DC, USA- The Institute for African Women in Law has launched a campaign dubbed M.A.L.E Allies (Men Advocates in Law for Equality). The campaign brings together men and women in conversation and the adoption of concrete actionable steps to promote gender equality. Rooted in African indigenous systems, the campaign builds on the idea that majority of precolonial traditional African systems were built on communality, consensus, and complementary gender roles. The MALE Campaign is rooted in the positive African indigenous systems of Ubuntu— (Nguni word for humanity) and Isokan—(Yoruba word for Unity).

At IAWL, we believe that when women and men work in unity and solidarity, we can achieve gender equality. MA.L.E is our #GenderSolidarity campaign with the vision of igniting individual and organizational transformation towards achieving gender equality in the legal profession.

Discussing the need for this partnership with men, Dr. J.Jarpa Dawuni, Executive Director of the Institute remarked:

"Fighting for gender equality without including male allies is like driving a car on two wheels; you will probably make the journey, but at a slower pace, and a heavier burden to yourself. If men are part of the problem, they should be part of the solution."

The campaign will work with national, regional and international partners, individuals, law firms, and other corporate organizations, with the goal of galvanizing men as partners and allies in the fight for gender equality. The campaign builds on existing actions such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, #5 for Gender Equality, and #16 on Peace, Justice and Inclusive Institutions, the African Union Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol), UN Women's Generation Equality and HeforShe campaigns.

Watch our promotional video:

Visit the webpage and hear from some of our male allies.

We invite individuals and organizations across the globe to Join the Movement! Click here to become a M.A.L.E Ally

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