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Introducing: IAWL Achiever Series


The Institute for African Women in Law (IAWL) has launched the IAWL ACHIEVERS Series, a platform designed to highlight the success and breakthrough stories of women in law in its networks. IAWL is truly proud of its members who have made and continue to make remarkable strides in their respective fields of expertise. By awarding individual excellence and accomplishments, the IAWL Achievers Series will empower and encourage more women in the legal field to reach their greatest potential and make their voices heard.

Through this initiative, we acknowledge the effort our members put into rising as leaders and changemakers in the legal space, especially as African women.

To be featured, the submission must meet the following criteria:

1. Demonstrate how joining the IAWL network aligned with achieving career goals

2. The award/feat must have been achieved within six months of submission.

3. The achievement must be a result of your membership in an IAWL network: i.e., you must have received the recognition by virtue of being part of the network or by seeing the opportunity via an IAWL announcement to members of the networks.

We are now officially accepting nominations for the IAWL Achievers Series. We encourage all applicants to submit strong applications to be considered. To apply:

  1. Submit an email request to with the subject line: IAWL Achievers. In the body, include evidence of the award and links to the publication of the award/achievement, if any.

  2. The IAWL Team will review your application and let you know a decision within 7 working days.

  3. You or the nominee will be notified by email to complete a form and submit a professional photo if the application is successful.

  4. If the application is unsuccessful, you will be informed by email.

Do you know someone who embodies the accomplishments of an IAWL Achiever? Are you an IAWL Achiever? Submit an application or nominate someone else today and be part of this wonderful initiative!

By submitting an application, IAWL reserves the right to review, accept and publish it in accordance with all necessary protocols.

For media inquiries, contact

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