Aminatta Lois Runeni N'gum

Judge, UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals [UNIRMCT] - Elected December 2011 Sworn in April 2012 to date - Current
Judge, The Gambia Court of Appeal - February 2010 to January 2011 - Past
Legal Officer and Deputy Chief UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda [UNICTR] July 1999 to September 2009 - Past
My Story, Your Inspiration
The glass ceiling shattered with delivery of UNIRMCT ’s Appeals Chamber judgment via Video Link in the Mladic appeal, as my joint Dissenting Opinion became part of International Criminal Law jurisprudence. This achievement occurred despite real or perceived discrimination, to date, because of my gender, race, tribe, country of origin and/or religion. God’s grace strengthened me with serenity, perseverance, humility, integrity and hard work. LL.M in Public International Law with an International Criminal Law Specialisation at 50 was whilst serving as Legal Officer, being housewife and mother of four teenagers. September 2019, I was the only female Judge on Appeals Chamber that heard and determined Ngirabatware Review in Arusha Tanzania. I served in Gambian Judiciary on bench and in administration as the first female [Non Gambian] First Class, Senior and Principal Magistrate; Master of the Supreme Court and Judicial Secretary. Additionally, I served as Private Legal Practitioner and did some pro bono work. This horned my legal, judicial and administrative skills before joining the UNICTR as a Legal Officer. My mother’s demise and three months later my youngest son’s aged 21 was devastating.
Maintain integrity, industriousness, continuous study of the law, and a positive attitude to life. Fearlessly make a dissenting or supporting opinion, with requisite jurisprudence. Always maintain your independence. Make positive contributions to team work. Show empathy to your spouse/partner, child[children], relatives, colleagues and staff, at home or work, by promoting and protecting their inalienable human rights and honouring your obligations. Whatever your religion, be a prayer warrior and show goodness by words and deeds. Community participation, pro bono work, National, Regional and/or International Organisations like AI, SI, CMJA, FLA. Choose hobbies you enjoy like baking, exercising, gardening, farming, dancing.